It’s Been Awhile Book Tag?

So, it’s been awhile since I posted anything. At all. I created a book tag just for this occasion!

Basically, if you too have a book blog and in fact have not posted in at least 2 weeks, this tag may be for you! SO here are some questions I’ve compiled that may or may not be your cup of tea. I hope it is, though

Question no. 1: Explain in two words why you have been neglecting book blogging.

-Really busy!

Question no. 2: While you were away, what was the best book you’ve read?

-Fantasy wise, the best book was FOR SURE City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I hadn’t read it before and I’m really glad I picked it up.

Question no. 3: What are some recommendations you have?

-If you like contemporary novels,seriously check out I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, I have to say it’s one of my all-time favorite books I’ve ever read.

-If you like crime fiction, then I would recommend Stolen by Lucy Christopher. It is a beautifully written novel, and isn’t gory or scary.

Question no. 4: Any last words?

-be sure to read my review of We Were Liars by E. Lockhart!

Thanks for reading, and maybe post your own version of this tag!

Stay rad, and read lots


Harry Potter Book Tag!!

So, since I decided to start this new book blog thingie, I want to tell you more about myself!and what better way than to do my very first tag! In come the cancan dancers. Anyways I feel it would be appropriate to make my first tag be the best one. What is the best tag? You may ask. Well, let me illuminate you. It’s.. (Drumroll, please! Well… I guess you kind of figured that out from the title but THE HARRY POTTER TAG! Okay, enough boring introductions.

1. Luna Lovegood- A book you’ve read that’s really weird.

Definitely Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link. I love how quirky it is but some of it was rather strange, even for me. (Don’t get me wrong though, I LOVE this book)

2 Dolores Umbridge- A book cover you really like but actually isn’t all that appealing

Kalimantaan by C. Godshawlk . I honestly bought this for the cover. I know! Sue me. No sleeve, no summary. It was on a whim, and a stupid one at that. I can’t get past the first chapter.

3. Fred/George Weasley- A book that made you laugh.

It’s technically a book but Grace’s Guide by Grace Helbig. I mean, Grace is effing hilarious and the adult guidebook is something I need right now.

4. Hermione Granger- A book that makes you feel smarter upon reading

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I am not really into classic novels, but I’m trying! This was a start, albeit a slow one, but a leap into classics nonetheless

5. Sybil Trelawney- A TBR book or one that hasn’t come out yet that you know you’re going to love

A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. I am literally so excited for that (say the previous sentence in the Chris from Parks and Rec voice)

6. Severus Snape- A book with mixed reviews that you either loved or hated

I guess it would be Fault in Our Stars. I didn’t particularly care for it. I love John Green’s writing; Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska. I think it’s because my friend accidentally spilled the ending to TFIOS so I wasn’t interested anymore.

7. And finally, Haaaarrry Potter- A book from your childhood

This is probably the hardest, because I was a HUGE book nerd as a kid. I would have to say the best was A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. This series was literally my favorite ever. I could not put them down.

Thanks for reading my rather magical book tag!

Read lots, and be well
Love, Emily

Morning Cup! Book Update: Gone Girl

Good morning my fellow book nerds! It’s about 7:30 in the morning, and I can assure you I’m a walking dead woman.

Speaking of dead, (maybe? We don’t know!) whilst drinking my much needed cup of coffee, I managed to drag my tired eyes to the halfway point of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn! Let me tell you, this shiz is crazy.

Can I just say how much I HATE Nick? He honestly ticks me off so much. Not to say Amy doesn’t tick me off, but at least she is trying to repair the marriage. She knows something is up with him, and yet she crawls in HIS bed at night and apologizes to HIM for NICK being a douche. Is marriage really like that?

I don’t know if he did it, but I assume he’s the one to blame for Amy’s disappearance. His body language and his actions speak for themselves… Right?

Thanks for reading my salty morning rantings about Gone Girl. It is much appreciated

Read lots, and be well
Love, Emily

15 Things that Excite Me About 2015

1. It’s one year away from 2016=graduation=freedom
2. Mamrie Hart’s new (and first) book You Deserve a Drink . Don’t ask me why I am excited. I can’t drink yet, but Let’s face it- Mamrie is effing hilarious.
3. I turn 18 in 7 months!
4. A Darker Shade of Magic- VE Schwab. I love this author’s last name. It’s like the highbrow version of a cotton swab. And this book’s plot sounds so cool.
5. I get my license. Don’t judge me, I already know.
6. Court of Thorns and Roses- Sarah J Maas. You already know why I’m excited, don’t lie.
7. Another duh reason is Fairest by Marissa Meyer. I mean, come on.
8. Frostfire- Hocking. I love fantasy novels like this!
9. Red Queen- Aveyard. See no. 8? Yeah. This applies here, too
10. Possibly the release of the final book in the Miss Peregrine Series! If you haven’t read it, I don’t know what you waitin’ for. It’s amazing.
11. Never never- Colleen Hoover. I heard many good things about this, but I have never read a Colleen Hoover book. Hope it’s worth it.
12. Firefight- Brian Sanderson. I haven’t read Steelheart but it looks like something I’d be interested in so I’ll give it a try. New year, right?
14. Jurassic World. Dinosaurs. Life.
15. I know this isn’t 2015 specific but I really want to get into Cassandra Clare’s writing. I haven’t read either the Mortal Instrument Series or Infernal Devices. Hopefully I can change that!

So there’s my little list of things I look forward to this year! Hope you enjoyed.

Read lots, and be well
Love, Emily

Lena Dunham’s Book is being changed?!?!

Everyone loves quirky Lena Dunham. And everyone loves her book, Not That Kind Of Girl . Everyone except Barry.

In her book, a collection of essays about her antics and experiences, Lena Dunham has created some controversy with the Republican man, and Oberlin alum. Dunham claims in her book that this man, labeled with the pseudonym Barry, sexually assaulted her.

Research into this showed a real life alum named Barry who also apparently attended Oberlin with Dunham. This man is now being associated with “fake Barry” and has acquired an attorney. Random House publishing company now comes out and apologizes for the confusion and every new edition published with have clearer depictions of the pseudonym

Honestly, what are the chances of having another alum from the same college named Barry? It may sound sarcastic but, is Barry really that common of a name? How unfortunate for him. (Because of the accusations)

Also, I won’t get into my rantings about sexual abuse, but.. I applaud Ms. Dunham for coming out and PUBLISHING her experience with this issue. It takes real bravery to come forward with that heavy topic, and instead of focusing on the unfortunate name confusion of pseudonymous Barry and real-life Barry, we should be applauding this young woman who has gone through a tragedy and having the strength and courage to speak about it. It sends the message to girls out there who have also experienced it saying “You aren’t alone

Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov (Review)


Humbert Humbert – scholar, aesthete and romantic – has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady’s gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit of romance; but when Lo herself starts looking for attention elsewhere, he will carry her off on a desperate cross-country misadventure, all in the name of Love. Hilarious, flamboyant, heart-breaking and full of ingenious word play, Lolita is an immaculate, unforgettable masterpiece of obsession, delusion and lust.


Hello my fellow book nerds!

Lolita is the second book of my 2015 Reading Challenge, and I have some really mixed feelings about this novel.

Although the plot is pretty original, I really don’t like the fatherly corruption that Humbert sadly brings to Lo. I feel as though Mr. Nabokov felt it necessary to paint Humbert as a character you hate but can’t help but open your heart to his troubles.

The scenes of “Love” made me cringe but what kept me going throughout this novel was the florid wording. I really believe Lolita gave me a better grasp on words of the English language I had never thought of using. Nabokov peppers the book with puns and wordplay that provide comic relief from what is actually happening in the book.

A time or two I find myself heartbroken for Lolita, as this corrupted man is all she has for family. She has no choice to trust him, but he only thinks of himself and his needs. That’s what I find truly sad.

Overall this novel gives the reader a peek into the mind of a pedophile, and his views of “nymphets”. A clever concept, I suppose. A hard to swallow plot, still able to make people cringe almost 70 years later is the definition of timeless.

Some obvious warnings: pedophile-centered plot. Descriptive scenes of underage sex. Loss and tragedy

I found this book interesting and thought-provoking. I love Nabokov’s writing style, also, on that note. I give Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov 4/5 <3!

Outlander Book Review (Book Challenge 2015)

Hello my fellow book nerds! If you are anything like me, you have begun your reading journey this new year after a long (and somewhat lazy) reading break/ slump. Maybe it was school, work, or love (insert wink). Whatever your reason, you’re here now and that’s all that matters

My first task of the new year was to sign myself up for possible success (or failure)  and participate in the GoodReads book challenge of 2015. After countless a BookTuber ranted about it, I decided to jump on the band wagon. “But Emily, what is the book challenge?” Oh my clueless darlings. The book challenge is a wonderful and mystical tool to basically read as many books as you set a goal for yourself this year. You can update your reviews and such as you go along. Not that hard right? Nope.

So what is your goal, Emily?” Glad you asked! I set my goal this year for 55 books. Not asking much this year because of my long, drawn-out slump.

Anyway, I started off this year reading Outlander, the 1990’s novel by Diane Gabaldon which admittedly I didn’t hear about until the TV show came out and everyone was talking about it. I haven’t seen the show, nor do I plan to. Oh, don’t think I’m pretentious! I just don’t have cable. So I am perfectly content with indulging my mind with the novels.

The story is set in the 1940’s in the post- World War era. I find this highly fascinating, for some reason. The protagonist is 20- something War nurse Claire Randall. She and  her husband, Frank, are “vacationing” in the Scottish Highlands. Yay Scotland! They (and by they, I mean Frank) are searching for Frank’s extremely old ancestor Captain Jack Randall (of the 18th century variety).

Claire becomes bored and restless, and feeds her botany addiction with the heather and other foreign Scottish plants. While she searches, she soon discovers a mystical “witches” ceremony that opens up a portal in time. She ends up in Captain Randall’s time looking very out of place. Unfortunately for Claire, luck just isn’t on her side in this book. She happens to run into Captain Randall, who sees her skimpy modern outfit and thinks she a hoe. Worse, a wench.

Luckily a Scot comes to her rescue! But then hits her in the head with a rock. Okay, I understand that this is the Highlands and they aren’t very civilized but.. really? Really? When Claire wakes up, she is surrounded by a bunch of Scottish men. Soldiers, even. Sounds like my kind of place. It’s there, in a dirty cottage, when the leader (Dougal Mackenzie, my man!) assigns her to the one, the only, JAMIE FRASER. And by assign, I mean she sets up the rest of the book for basically Claire putting Jamie back together again. I think it’s sweet, and a breath of fresh air from the basic hero/ damsel in distress (although that DOES happen a time or two).

This whole book basically pushes them together in a forbidden love type affair. After all, Claire is still married to Frank. Countless times, she tries to escape the Scottish clutches and go back to her old life… And… Things ensue. I won’t ruin the end of the book for you, people. Don’t worry! I’m not THAT type of book-blogger.

This book is honestly the best book I’ve read in a really long time. Every word, every antic, every kiss, had me utterly captivated. It seriously gave me the feels. (You may think I’m joking, but… Honestly.) I wanted to read more, and felt really disappointed after the (steamy) ending scene. I ordered Dragonfly in Amber yesterday so, thats exciting!

There are a few book warnings that surround this book, however. There are a LOT of intimate scenes! If you don’t know what I mean by that.. you probably shouldn’t be reading this book in the first place..) Also, I understand it is set in the 18th century for most of the book, and it was common to treat women a certain way but on a few accounts, it got rather ridiculous. Lots of rape (and not just women *WARNING*) and a few “correction” scenes. Overall, that part wasn’t too bad. But if that stuff makes you uncomfortable then I highly suggest to bear it’s. I say that because the plot, characters and language Ms. Gabaldon uses is really worth reading.

Overall, I love this book, and plan to continue the series. So, as my rating system I shall use hearts. I give Outlander by Diane Gabaldon 5/5 <3!

Be sure to read lots and come back for more posts!

Love, Emily xo